Properly Caring For Your New Feline's Teeth

Posted on: 29 December 2016

If you just took in a cat to keep as a pet, you undoubtedly wish to give it the very best care so it lives a long and healthy life. It is important to take the time to care for your cat's teeth, as failing to do so can cause inflammation, tooth loss, and other health problems as a result. Although a veterinarian will conduct a tooth cleaning process during a routine visit, it is a good idea to continue with good oral hygiene practices on your cat's teeth between visits. Here are some tips you can use in caring for your pet's choppers properly.

Get Your Cat Used To Having It's Mouth Evaluated

Most cats will not like someone touching their teeth at first. It will be necessary for you to ease your cat into the process slowly. Start by petting your cat and gently lifting the top part of it's mouth upward during the process, exposing the teeth for you to check over. If you do this nonchalantly, during a regular petting session, your cat may not mind. After doing this a few times, try to wipe your cat's larger teeth with a piece of gauze or a wipe made especially for cleaning a cat or dog's teeth. Doing this each day will get your pet used to being checked, allowing you to continue with the addition of toothpaste.

Brush Your Pet's Teeth Each Day To Remove Tartar and Plaque

Like people, cats can get a tartar and plaque buildup upon their teeth. This should be removed so it does not end up pushing underneath your cat's gums, leading to possible inflammation and infection. Brushing the teeth with a cat finger brush will effectively remove bacteria from your pet's mouth. Cat toothpaste can be purchased in a pet supply store. It usually has a meat flavor that most cats enjoy. Start by allowing your pet to lick a bit of the toothpaste off your finger while you have a cat tooth finger brush in place. If your cat likes the flavor of the paste, it may allow you to rub their teeth when lifting the top of their mouth. Start the process slowly and do not force your cat to endure the brushing. 

Give Treats To Aid In The Removal Of Bacteria

Cat treats can be given to your cat in conjunction with routine brushing sessions. Look for crunchy treats that claim to remove tartar from the teeth. Your veterinarian may also have recommendations regarding food or treats you can give to your pet. Make sure not to feed your cat too many treats or they will not want to eat it's regularly nutritional meal!

For more information, you will want to talk to a professional, such as the ones from the Cats Only Veterinary Hospital.
